Ups and Downs Crochet Blanket Pattern


This pattern combines texture and movement, making it perfect for blankets, shawls, or even scarves. The interplay of peaks and valleys in the design not only adds visual interest but also provides a cozy, comforting touch that’s ideal for snuggling up. The pattern is versatile enough to be adapted to various color schemes, allowing you to create personalized pieces that reflect your style or the preferences of those you may gift them to. Whether you’re a seasoned crocheter or a beginner looking for a fun project, the Ups & Downs Crochet Pattern offers a satisfying and creative experience that results in a beautiful, handcrafted item.


Introducing the Ups & Downs Crochet Pattern, a design that uses the granny stitch and others to create a ripple effect.

MC- Horizon/ Color 18/ 601 yards

We Yarn Mega Ball/ 1312 yards MC- 2 Balls (DK) CC- 1 Ball (WW)

H/ 5.00 mm Crochet Hook

Level: Beginner

Gauge: Varies based on desired size


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